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How to Get an Audition for a TV Show or Movie?

It’s not easy to break into acting, especially if you’re hoping to become a big star. In fact, some have calculated that there are only about 56 English-speaking actors in the world who are currently working in their profession and are famous. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average actor makes just $20.43 per hour, meaning most aren’t raking in the big bucks.

Of course, there are always some who do manage to break through and become household names, while others simply want to achieve their dream of playing a role on the big or small screen. One of the first steps for accomplishing that is to get an audition, but how? 

Use an App

There’s an app for everything these days, including options for casting directors who want to find an actor. By setting up a profile, that audition might find you instead of the other way around. Getting exposure is one of the keys to your success and the more ways that those seeking talent can find you, the better. Another plus is that with an app is that you won’t have to worry about a talent agent or manager taking a big cut out of your earnings.

Use the Services of a Talent Agent

You can still get an audition the old-fashioned way by utilizing the services of a talent agent, but that person will be taking a percentage of what you make. If you want to go this route, the best way to get a good agent is through personal recommendations. If you know anyone who can put in a good word for you that’s experienced in the television or film industry, your odds will be much better. 

Another option is to ask fellow acting friends or classmates to share your headshot, resume, and contact information with their agents. If you don’t have any, it’s a good idea to start networking, finding a local group of actors to get to know so that you can help each other out. If you have an acting coach, that person can be a great resource for valuable contacts.

Look For Open Auditions 

Casting calls are advertised on websites, radio, TV, local newspapers, and other avenues. Check the websites for TV networks as they often post when they have casting calls coming up for their shows. Auditions for theater are frequently published in local papers and theater magazines. These opportunities are generally more easily found in big metropolitan areas where the entertainment industry is a significant focus, such as Los Angeles, New York, or Vancouver, B.C.

When going to open auditions, keep in mind that they’re extremely competitive, so you’ll need to be able to stand out from the crowd. First impressions, especially when it comes to acting, are incredibly important, so you’ll want to be sure that you look professional and resemble your headshot.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media sites like Facebook are excellent resources for getting auditions, with event pages frequently used to announce them whether for TV, film, or theater. Search for agent pages as well as specific project pages too. Both Craigslist and Twitter are good options for finding casting calls, although no matter which option you use, you’ll have better odds if you live closer to a city with the entertainment industry.

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