
They are beautiful beings full of love, good, wisdom, harmony and joy. They are immensely loving, conscious and they live in accordance with Cosmic (Creator’s) laws. Cosmic (or Universe) people of the Forces of Light do normally live in higher dimensions – spheres, commonly called “paradise” or “heavens”. Their world is full of love, enjoyment, beauty and diversity. There is no evil and hatred – they don’t identify themselves with such negative attributes.

Lots of space ships with lots of loving and more conscious beings from many cosmic civilizations from higher dimensions of Cosmos are currently situated around the Earth in order to help Earth (she is a living conscious being) and the humankind in the advancement to the higher – 5′” dimension. However, the ships are not normally visible thanks to special power shields. This is because, according to the Universal cosmic laws, beings from higher dimensions cannot manifest in masses to a civilization in a lower dimension without agreement of that civilization.

They have much work with us – e.g., healing up the ozone hole, cleaning the athmosphere, reducing radioactive pollution, trapping harmful solar radiation, attenuation of war conflicts. They lead people toward love and good via unobtrusive impulses in one’s thoughts. Cosmic people are wonderful friends who with pleasure and love help all beings on Earth in various life situations. Their help is, however, always in compliance with one’s free will. Beings from a higher dimension cannot help beings from a lower dimension without their permission. Cosmic Friends are colloquially called “Angels”.


Motto:   Contacts with peaceful extraterrestrials are at full pace …

Dear reader,

I would like to present you the conditions for contacts with FRIENDS from Cosmos and with our Creator. These conditions are listed in texts of “Talks with teachings” books, and I present them here summarily. Those of you who have too materialist thinking and have your sentiment inhibited, focus on removal of these barriers.

The conditions here are actually conditions of abidance to Cosmic Laws of PRIME CREATOR OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, and thanks to them, you will increase and stabilize your vibratory – spiritual level. Cosmic people long for contacts with every earthman fulfilling these conditions. After fulfillment of these conditions, everybody can contact the Creator, too.

1. Live a loving, harmonious, well-ordered and spiritually– sentimentally founded life. Love your Prime Creator of everything and everybody, your Spiritand physical body – by this you love your Creator, for you are part of him/her. Don’t drink alcohol excessively, preferably not at all; don’t smoke cigarettes excessively, preferably not at all. Forgive yourself and your fellows.

2. Love other human beings, even those who harmyou, for they do only what they can.

3. Love all other Creations, the “living” and “non-living” ones, i.e. nature, plants, animals, and the planet Earth who is a higher being than us.

4. Reduce eating of meatto minimum, best no meat at all.

5. Eliminate – destroy any negative literature, i.e. books and magazines about wars, eroticism and negative extraterrestrials (UFO – abductions, crashes of ships, etc.) – irradiators of coarse-vibratory energies.

6. Don’t read negative books and magazines,don’t watch negative movies.It’s recommended   to ignore politics since it’s full of coarse vibrations.

7. Don’t possess excessive property (2 and more houses for yourself, 2 and more cars for yourself, etc.)

8. Help people in need according to your potentialities.

9. Work for people at least in the matter of spreading information about Friends from Cosmos (in a moderate, unobtrusive manner).

10. Don’t harm other creations.

One can ask for a contact with these words:

“Dear Creator, the beloved one, I’m asking you for a contact

  • with You (easier contact)
  • with my cosmic friends, with Ashtar, Ptaah, …”

At the same time, it is necessary to have the purest thoughts and love in the heart, a pen in the hand and paper prepared. While writing, beam with love and don’t insert your own thoughts and, especially, doubts. The best communication is IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR CHEST via 4th – the heart chakra (“in spirit”, no hearable voice), which, when open, serves as a filter from negative entities; or via 7th chakra (hearable voice), but there can be the both sides, i.e. also negative entities – more intuition-intensive! Wish you a lot of joy, edification and lovely experiences at building-up of friendship with Cosmic People!


A lot of people are watching lights of the ships of Cosmic people during clear evenings which fly at an altitudes of circa 15 – 80 km. In total, 100 000 mother ships with 250 million Cosmic people are around the planet Earth. The best time for observing usually begins at 10:30 pm. Space ships may, though rarely, be observed also at another time.

It is only needed to have positive and loving thoughts, to talk nicely about our Cosmic friends, e.g. about their life, to have a nice relationship with them, to ask the Primary Creator of everything and everybody and Cosmic Friends for a lighting greeting, and afterwards, you may observe even tens of flyovers, some of ships may fly in various directions at the same time. The lights are bright like intense stars and even more, they may attenuate and intensify, usually flying straightforward, sometimes also in bends and curves, but always noiseless.

The most intense flashes were like an intense reflector, and in our chests, we have felt intensive warmth – the love sent to us. Ships may fly slowly as well as very fast, the speed may vary.

The favorable place for observation is the NATURE, exceptionally cities, rather their peripheries, but even this is becoming more often. Determining for our Cosmic friends is a quality of energies of love directed toward them from your observation area. That is a fine-vibratory energy of YOURS and YOUR SURROUNDINGS of hundreds of meters up to few kilometers.

While observing, people with internal communication are talking with Cosmic Friends about nice things a so they may enrich the contact.

Furthermore, it is possible to move to the spaceships (either small or mother ones) by your mental body and visit Cosmic friends this way. Our pictures of ships are of help for such visits.

Cosmic people are especially glad of contacts of people who cooperate with them at their mis-sions of light. They greet these people by flashing lights to the windows or balcony of their flats.

Do not take negatively thinking people with you. Their energy harms (hurts) Cosmic friends, and so they don’t uncloak themselves in the face of them ! Exactly these people do Cosmic friends hide for.


Written under Ashtar’s kind guidance.

“Sit down in a pleasant, relaxing position. Don’t cross hands or legs. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. It’s calm and regular. Now visualize the following:

You are sitting at a sacred mountaintop.

You are sitting and meditating.

With every breath you take, a stream of glittering Light from the Universe flows into your body through the head.

You feel the Light spreading inside you until it permeates all your being.

Now you are beginning to gradually realize the three stages:

  1.  I am in Light – all around me is just the bright Light.
  2.  Light is in me – all my within is filled by the bright Light.
  3.  I am the Light – I am blending with the Light.

You are experiencing an absolute feeling of Oneness and Harmony.

You are feeling you are Love.

All around you is just Light and Love.

You are at home here.

You are part of all and all is part of you.

Realize that you are a magnificent loving being full of Light.

God is Love.

You are Love.

Feel and experience this state of absolute unity for a while.

Then begin to slowly return to the room.

Begin to realize the limits of your body.

Inside every being is the Light of Love.

Seek to see everybody and everything around you as a part of this unique essence.

We all are part of one whole – the Selfless Love.

You are Love, Harmony, Peace.


Now end your meditation and return slowly to awaked consciousness.

Seek to see Love as a part of all always and everywhere in your life.


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